DVD-Y171 Leoncavallo Reginetta delle rose 1992 Palerme VIDEO

DVD-Y171 Leoncavallo Reginetta delle rose 1992 Palerme VIDEO
Item# DVD-y171

Product Description

* 2 hours & 15 minutes, inhouse video, not great but watchable. * Premiere jointly in Napoli and Roma in 1912. * Excerpts are on Operashare already of this operetta, which I regard as Leoncavallo' s masterpiece. This Palermo performance may well be the premiere of this work as a regular opera house production. The performance and production are both great. * Lilian-Alessandra Ruffini; Anita-Martha Senn; Mikalis-Rosa Laghezza * Max-Luca Canonici; Professore Gin-Marco Camastra; Don Pedro-Alfonso Antoniozzi * Sparados-Luis Masson; Kradomos-Leonardo Monreale * cond. Massimo De Bernart, Teatro Politeama Garibaldi, Palermo, March 14, 1992