DVD-Y248 Puccini Boheme 1987 Saint Gall VIDEO

DVD-Y248 Puccini Boheme 1987 Saint Gall VIDEO
Item# DVDY-248

Product Description

In memory of Giulian Ciannella, who just passed away, this video of La Boheme from a gala performance in St. Gallen in May, 1987, I don't know the actual date. It seems much of his career was made substiuting and here he substitued for Luis Lima. With him as star guests are Ileana Cotrubas and Fangiskos Voutsinos, the rest are members of the house ensemble. Pay special attention to the excellent Marcello, Morr is Morgan, not to mention me as Alcindoro! Not a great film, it was taken from the side under one of the spotlights, but aside from that isn't too terrible. Sound isn't bad at all. For a test look at this: (O suave fanciulla.) http://rapidshare. com/files/ 84707539/ Boheme1Akt_ chunk_1.avi

Cast: Mimi: Ileana Cotrubas, Musetta: Helga Thieme Rodolfo: Giuliana Ciannella Marcello: Morris Morgan Schaunard: Pascal Borer Colline: Frangiskos Voutsinos Benoit: Carl Beitz Alcindoro: David Geary Parpignol; Adolf Barkhoff Sergeant. Werner Mattusch Conductor- Samuel Friedmann Stage director: Glado von May